Social sports club – coming together is the beginning, staying together is progress, working together is a success

A group of people organized together for the purpose of playing sports are called social sports club or sporting club and sometimes sports society or sports association. In the sports club, the members play together without paying any amount or quota and they also play in other clubs. The sports club has various departments like football, basketball, cricket, rugby, boxing, basketball, cycling, tennis, gymnastics and more. Large sports organizations have professional players with separate teams and athletic clubs for athletes. These teams compete with other club teams in different leagues, tournaments, championships. Every club has their own club name, club colors, club identity, fan base, supporters.

Sports club have an associated system in which supporters pay an amount to the club. So, that they can attend the matches throughout the season, they also have attendance report, team promotion, sponsoring contracts. The primary source of sports club financing is TV rights and player transfer fees. Some, sports club are listed in stock-exchange for financial support. Sports club are also available at workplaces, to exhibit the employer's extra-curricular activities. This provides a reward package, motivation, emotional, physical fitness and employee engagement. Social Sports Club teams are based on community and it is perfect for players who want to grow and reach the higher levels.

A theatre is a mirror, a sharp reflection of society - A cinema hall or movie theatre is a building that contains an auditorium where a movie or film can be watched for entertainment. Mostly, theatres are meant for commercial purpose as the public buys a ticket to attend the movie. Some non-profit organizations or communities receive a fee for watching films. The movie theatre has a large screen at the front of the auditorium in which a movie is projected with a projector to the viewers. Audios are played through wall-mounted speakers.

Variety of films is directed, such as animation, action, adventure, biography, comedy, crime,   documentary, horror, fantasy, mystery and much more. The movie is an important art, entertainment, medium for educating, awareness creator among society and it is considered as a universal power of communication.


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